You've undoubtedly heard of Epilepsy but are you aware of the daily battle it entails? Epilepsy, the fourth most common neurological disorder, causes disturbances in nerve cell activity in the brain that cause seizures. It affects people of all ages and impacts every part of their lives. Join us this holiday in supporting the Epilepsy Foundation and their efforts to find a cure for this devastating disease.
The Epilepsy foundation's mission is to "stop seizures and SUDEP, SUDEP stands for Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. Over 1 in 1000 will lose their life each year from this.The goal to find a cure and overcome the challenges created by epilepsy through efforts including education, advocacy and research to accelerate ideas into therapies". Programs included are educational, counseling, referral, and employment assistance services.
A glimpse in the life of an epileptic:
Meet Breanna,
Breanna has dealt with epilepsy and the roller coaster of responsibility that comes with it for quite some time. She has experienced multiple brain surgeries as well as treatments to prevent her seizures from being triggered. Through this experience, she has realized that "Life doesn't stop because you've been diagnosed, it's tough and it most likely won't be handled overnight but eventually, you will find the right treatment for you. You're not alone."
Meet Addie:
Addi has refractory epilepsy--an unmanageable / drug-resistant form of the disease. In order to help Addi reduce the possibility of seizing she needs sleep. Sleep deprivation is the one sure-fire way to bring on seizure activity. Although she can have plenty of rest and still have seizures, she sleeps about ten hours a night and often takes naps in the afternoon. Regardless of her battle, Addi still thrives.
Meet Channing,
Channing is an incredible horse rider that has looked past her diagnosis and continued to do what she loved."When I was first diagnosed with epilepsy they told me to give up riding and collect stamps… Like that’s going to happen, let's end the stigma." Through horse riding, she has found a family and a support system that has helped her maintain her head up high regardless of the obstacles that lie ahead. Channing helped science gallop toward a cure for epilepsy with the wonderful, creative event, Dressage for a Cause! Raising $5,000 in search of a cure. WOW!
Epilepsy Stats
-65 MILLION: Number of people around the world who have epilepsy. -3.4 MILLION: Number of people in the United States who have epilepsy. -470,000: Number of children in the United States who have epilepsy. -1 IN 26 people in the United States will develop epilepsy at some point in their lifetime. -BETWEEN 4 AND 10 OUT OF 1,000: Number of people on earth who live with active seizures at any one time. -150,000: Number of new cases of epilepsy in the United States each year -ONE-THIRD: Number of people with epilepsy who live with uncontrollable seizures because no available treatment works for them. -6 OUT OF 10: Number of people with epilepsy where the cause is unknown.
How you can help?
In an effort to continue the search for a cure,we'll donate 20% of profits to epilepsy research + give you a free facial scrub when you spend $60 or more.
Use the code: 4Epilepsy

We hope that these stories have shed a light on the reality of what epilepsy is and how you can contribute to finding a cure.
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