Shiny, healthy hair is at the top of most of our wish lists... along with winning the lottery and 0-calorie cake. The good news is though, that your odds of maintaining beautiful locks are much higher than hitting it big with the Powerball. Forget all of what you think you know about getting an enviable mane, and keep reading for BBE’s natural ways to keep your hair shiny and healthy.
Make hair masking a priority.

A lot of us forget this. But you need to take care of your hair, the same way you prioritize caring for your skin!
Glowing, beautiful skin doesn’t happen overnight. And typically, healthy and shiny hair doesn’t either. I mean, if you’re one of those blessed goddesses who has long flowing hair no matter what you do to it – we salute you! But for the rest of us who need to put in a little work, this first trick on our list of natural ways to keep your hair shiny and healthy is crucial.
Make a bi-weekly or monthly hair mask a part of your self-care routine. Now just wait, forget running to the pharmacy or your favorite online beauty store for this one. What you need to make the ultimate, natural hair saver is likely already in your kitchen babe!
Easy, DIY ways for healthy and shiny hair, naturally.
You already know how much we love and adore coconut oil. Let’s just say if we could bathe in this natural liquid gold, we totally would. Depending on how dry your hair is, use an overnight coconut oil mask once every week or two to lock in hydration. This simple trick will help your locks come back to life, and is way easy to do before bed. If your hair isn’t on the super dry side, consider only doing this once or twice a month so you don’t end up oversaturating your hair or making it oily.

Easy Aloe Vera Hair Mask
For anyone suffering from hair breakage, split ends, or an itchy, dry scalp, or oily hair, this Aloe Vera hair mask is for you! Aloe Vera is naturally hydrating, as well as antibacterial and soothing to irritated skin. That's probably why it's perfect for itchy, dry scalps that need some serious moisture. Plus, its inflammatory properties will help soothe redness and irritation.
This recipe is super straightforward! Grab yourself an organic bottle of Aloe Vera gel and apply liberally all over dry, unwashed hair. Massage the aloe into your roots and scalp. Let the mask sit on hair for up to 30 minutes before washing with cool water.
The Epic Avocado Hair Mask
If you’re looking for another natural DIY mask you can incorporate into your routine, look no further than the delicious yet luscious avocado.
- 1 Avocado
- 1 Tablespoon of Honey
- 1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil
Simply throw one in the blender, add in one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of olive oil, and bam. You’ve got yourself a seriously deep conditioning mask, that is free of chemicals and totally natural. Leave this magical concoction on for about 45 minutes, and rinse out before you start permanently smelling like guacamole.
Suck it up buttercup… cold water will make your locks shine.

Next up on our list of natural hacks for shiny and healthy hair is an old trick that hair stylists swear by. But does it really work?
Yes girlfriend, it sure does. Think of how it is so often recommended that you end your cleansing routine with a splash of cold water to close up those squeaky clean pores. Your hair is somewhat similar. Cold water will help seal your hair cuticle, which ultimately results in smooth and shiny results.
Don’t stress about standing under the shower freezing your butt off. You don’t need ridiculously glacial water for this trick either. Simply finish your hair cleansing routine with a thorough cold rinse, and get out! Proceed with your regular hair styling routine, and you’ll notice how much more manageable your locks are.
Speaking of water… get your daily recommended dose if you really want healthy hair.
Let’s be real. There is not one beauty writer on planet earth who does not stress this next tip to you. But it’s because it is straight facts! If you want healthy skin, hair, life, bank account (you get the picture) – you need to drink that h20 baby!
You are comprised of water. When you’re not hydrated, everything suffers. From your skin to dry and cracked lips, lacking in the water department is simply not a good look. And you’ve guessed it: your hair is no different.
Dehydration stops hair growth. What’s more, it is in no way conducive to making your hair strong and resilient to breakage. The more water you drink, the easier it will be for your locks to build strength and fight frizz. We should also mention, that drinking a sufficient amount of water helps to keep your scalp healthy which is a major key in maintaining long, beautiful strands of hair.
Avoid using chemically filled dry shampoo for shiny, manageable hair.
We know how tempting it is to reach for that bottle of dry shampoo when your hair is looking oilier than a fried egg and you need to make it out of the house on time. However, dry shampoo you pick up from the drugstore is typically not your hair’s long-term BFF. Here’s why.
First off, we need to be clear that dry shampoo does not actually clean your hair. What it does is that it absorbs excess oil with alcohol and chemically enhanced starch, making your locks appear fuller and bouncier. And while we know those effects sound great in theory, long-term use of this “quick clean” product can really damage your scalp and hair. This is because the toxic chemicals found in this popular product can cause major build-up on your scalp, and clog your pores.

So what’s a girl to do when she has no energy for a wash and blow-dry? Easy. Reach for a natural dry shampoo that will do wonders for your mane, and the environment.
BBE’s natural option is made with organic zea mays a.k.a. the corn starch that won’t harm your pretty little head. On top of that, we added in some lavender oil which does wonders for calming your scalp. Not to mention, it will have your hair smelling like you literally just stepped out of the shower.

See? Nothing to worry about. We’d never expect you to live in a world without dry shampoo, so we went ahead and created one that is actually healthy.
For shiny, healthy hair… don’t neglect your hair brush.
Your trusty hair brush, you use her every day and probably don’t put much thought into up keeping her.

We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but this everyday tool you constantly reach for can be a major breeding ground for bacteria and germs. Making it totally counterproductive to combing through your freshly washed hair, with a *pretty gross* dirty tool. Essentially, you’ll be making your hair dirtier, causing you to feel like you need to wash it more often. And as we’ll touch on later, washing your hair too much is a major no no on our list of natural ways to keep your hair shiny and healthy.
Avoid this annoying dilemma by keeping your hairbrush clean and germ free by soaking it in some gentle shampoo once or twice a month. It only takes a few minutes, and your luscious locks will thank you.

Ditch shampooing your hair so often, and your locks will shine like cray.
You’ve probably been told this before, and thought to yourself “but I look like a grease ball if I skip shampooing!” Here’s the secret. Shampoo less, and over time that greasiness will take longer to appear on your scalp. Let’s break this down further.
Over-washing your hair can cause some serious damage. It eventually irritates your scalp and causes it to overproduce oil since it is constantly being stripped away from it. Especially for our fine-haired girls out there, lifeless and limp locks are a direct side effect of reaching for that shampoo bottle way too often.
Here’s the thing. Transitioning to washing your hair once or twice a week does not have to be a painful or greasy process. Ok, fine. There might be some greasiness involved, but it doesn’t have to drive you nuts! Here are a few tips to make your journey to washing less, seamless:
Easy tips for washing that healthy, shiny hair a little less.
- Start by breaking down how many times a week you wash your hair. We’ll go with an extreme case here and say you lather your scalp up in the shower 4 times a week. So your short-term goal is to get it down to 3 times, then 2, then possibly one. Every scalp and hair texture is different, so you find what works for you and do you boo boo.
- If you’re feeling extra oily as you’re cutting down on washes, reach for your natural dry shampoo or opt for forgiving hairstyles a.k.a. the messy bun. And if you're really in a rush, forget hair styling! Throw on a cute hat, and voilà. No one will know you're going through a little something under there.
- Avoid touching and playing with your hair! This can be a bad habit for so many of us. But something as simple as touching your scalp too often can have a serious effect on how quickly it gets oily. Do however, regularly brush your hair with an of course *clean* brush to stimulate hair growth and scalp health sans oily fingertips.
- Use a clarifying shampoo (or your own DIY mix of apple cider vinegar) to get rid of excess build-up, and give your hair a helping hand in staying cleaner for longer.

Avoid heat styling whenever you can to keep your hair at its healthiest.
Once you’ve gotten a handle on creating the perfect wash schedule for your mane, you’re well on your way to healthy and shiny hair babe. Add in those natural yet effective hair masks, and all of the other tips and tricks above, and your locks will be in a league of their own.
Before we sign off though, this last tip on our list of natural ways to keep your hair shiny and healthy is super crucial. Ditch the blow dryer, straightener, curler, and any other heat styling tool whenever you possibly can.
It’s no secret that heat damage can do quite a number on even the strongest of hair strands. On top of that, it can magnify the appearance of split ends and make your locks look dry and brittle. And you? Well, that’s obviously not what you’re about gorgeous. So simply cut back. If you’re staying in for the night, we're into that. Why not let your hair air dry instead of reaching for the blow dryer? Or, let your hair go au natural and embrace your curls or waves instead of straightening them.
We definitely understand that sometimes, heat is inevitable. And in those instances, just be sure to use a heat protectant spray. Additionally, show your hair some extra love with one of those nourishing hair masks we mentioned at the beginning of this article. See? Your hair is looking shinier and healthier already. Until next time babe, BBE loves ya <3.
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Thanks that was helpful
Was very helpful thanks alot