What to Expect During Your First Mammogram

What to Expect During Your First Mammogram


Whether it’s getting that workout in or choosing to use natural beauty products, we see you babe – making healthy choices, every day. And when it comes to prioritizing your health, nothing is quite as important as keeping up with your regular doctors’ visits and exams. Regular mammograms are essential to detecting breast cancer early and can allow for better treatment options and recovery. If you already get regularly checked, we commend you sis! And if you haven’t had these types of x-rays yet, we encourage you to do so, pronto. There’s nothing to fear babe, we promise! In fact, we put together this blog post so you can know what to expect during your first mammogram and feel confident booking that appointment, ASAP.

What should I do to prep for my mammogram appointment?

First thing’s first, babe. On the day of your mammogram, ditch the deodorant, antiperspirants, lotions, creams, and basically any type of products that go on your underarms or breast area. These substances can often show up on your x-ray as white spots, and you definitely don’t want that.

If you are going to a new place for your mammogram appointment, bring any of your previous mammograms, biopsies, or other related information that your technician or doctor should be aware about. As you continue to have these regular appointments, it is usually easier to stick with the same office so that your results are all in one place and can easily be compared year after year.

What will happen when I get to the doctor’s office?

Once you’re in your dedicated exam room, the doctor will likely ask you to change into a fabulous robe. Okay, maybe not a fabulous one, but you get the picture.

During a mammogram, your breast is placed between two plastic plates that are pressed together to flatten the breast. Now we know this sounds painful, but the truth is that it is only slightly uncomfortable and takes only a few seconds. This compression is necessary to help make the x-ray images clearer while using as little radiation as possible. So all and all, that bit of discomfort is totally worth it to get accurate results.

Will it hurt? Well, a mammogram isn’t as scary as you probably think it is.

As we mentioned above, there is only a slight amount of discomfort when pressure is applied to your breasts in order to get that x-ray. What’s more, this discomfort varies from patient to patient. Rest assured though, that most babes handle mammograms quite well!

How long will my mammogram take?

A mammogram appointment usually takes about 15 minutes (maybe add on a bit of extra time if you find yourself admiring that fabulous robe we mentioned earlier).

When should I schedule my mammogram appointment?

Many experts recommend scheduling your mammogram appointment in the weeks after an upcoming period. This is because your breasts are likely to be less tender at that time, making the x-ray process less uncomfortable. Additionally, this makes it easier for you to remember the last date of your period if your doctor asks for it!

Can I go about my life right after my mammogram?

Babe, yes! This quick round of x-rays won’t have you debilitated or in pain for the rest of the day. You may feel some tenderness from the pressure that was applied in that area, but it isn’t anything that will have you bedridden or unable to go about your daily life. 

Final tips for your first mammogram…

  • Consider taking some pain medication before the appointment if you are fearful of pain. You can also ask your doctor about this a few days prior to your mammogram.
  • Wear a two-piece outfit (i.e. no dresses) so that you only have to take off your top for the procedure. Hey, those medical exam rooms can be cold!
  • Leave your neck jewellery at home (it’s just one less thing you’ll have to take off while you’re there).
  • Don’t forget to bring your ID and insurance information.
  • If you have any breast issues or concerns, be sure to describe them to your doctor or technician before the exam.
  • Ditch the heels on the day of your exam. You’ll be asked to stand a lot during your mammogram, so wearing those killer stilettos on the day of your appointment isn’t the best idea.

There you have it, babe. You’re ready for your first mammogram!

See, not so scary after all – right? Getting a mammogram doesn’t have to freak you out or be cause for concern. And while we know getting these exams isn’t always fun, it is definitely *crucial* to your overall health and wellbeing. Early breast cancer detection can save your life and honestly, that’s reason enough to make sure you have these appointments booked on the regular.

Ask your doctor how often you should have a mammogram and work with them to make this an essential part of your wellness routine. After all babe, nothing is more important than your health and of course, your happiness!

BBE loves ya,

Carey <3

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Carol on

If you think it is going to hurt, think again… if you think it is scary, think again. Early detection is the way to find out. I’m 69 yes old and have always had a clean mammogram until this past May. I caught it at stage 0 to stage 1. Had a lumpectomy and I am cancer free. Think if I didn’t have the mammogram. I thank God everyday Just do it Get a mammogram Please

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