Hey everybody! I have some really great news to share today – Beauty by Earth is switching up its packaging to make sure it’s even more sustainable. Before much longer, all Beauty by Earth outer box eco-friendly packaging will be made from FSC-certified paper.
Eco-Friendly Packaging: Why FSC-Certified Paper is the Best Choice for the Environment

So I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t always look at the fine print when I’m shopping for paper for home use. Turns out there’s a lot of information on those packages! Next time you’re shopping for paper, take a closer look for an “FSC-Certified” stamp. FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council, which is an organization Beauty by Earth is happy to be in line with. The Forest Stewardship Council is the group that sets the standards for forest products – most notably paper. They also independently certify that these standards are met. When they give a product their endorsement, it means that that product has been sourced in an environmentally-friendly, socially responsible, and sustainable way. Here’s a fun fact – the U.S. consumes 100 million tons of paper annually. 65% of that paper comes from timber forests. And another fact - the average American uses nearly six trees worth of paper each year. With numbers that big, it’s crucial that we take great care of our trees. By switching to FSC-Certified paper, Beauty by Earth is ensuring that the suppliers we work with are taking steps to protect forest habitats, plant more trees than are harvested, prevent pollution, and avoiding harming wildlife and displacing native people. Another great thing about FSC standards is that they’re strict – really strict. All of their certified products are closely monitored as they travel from the forest to the manufacturer to the printer. The council uses third-party auditors to make sure this “chain of custody” is in place. They also require all of their certified companies to provide a management plan that outlines their current operations and their long term sustainability goals. The result of all that work? Paper you can trust.
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