Organize Your Life: The Declutter TV Shows We’re Loving

Organize Your Life: The Declutter TV Shows We’re Loving


When it comes to feeling content and relaxed in your home, nothing helps quite like a clean and organized space (and you know, a comfy couch with a super fuzzy throw sure doesn’t hurt either). Being on top of your laundry and putting away those dishes can have some seriously impressive benefits. In fact, studies have shown that living in a cluttered environment can actually have negative impacts on your overall health and mental wellbeing. Let’s just say, when Marie Kondo called tidying up life-changing – she wasn’t kidding, babe. And while lately it seems like organizational shows have taken over all of our favorite streaming services, this shift towards more minimalistic living is one we can definitely get behind. Keep reading to get inspired to organize your life and check out the declutter TV shows we’re currently loving.

Tidying Up with Marie Kondo

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, you’ve undoubtedly heard of the wonderous world of Marie Kondo. In fact, “Marie Kondo-ing” has become somewhat of a verb we now frequently hear to describe organizing an area of your home or life. And this, with good reason, sis.

“Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” is one classic decluttering TV show we think every babe should watch at least once. In these episodes, the KonMari method is used to make living spaces, well, livable! From getting rid of items that no longer spark joy to getting all your decluttering done in one go, there is definitely merit behind Ms. Kondo’s finely tuned organization system.

And if you’re more of a book lover than a tv show binger, you’re in luck! “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” and “Spark Joy” are heavily behind this Netflix series. Trust us babe, giving either of these gems a read will undoubtedly get you way motivated to get rid of any distracting clutter in your life.

The Home Edit

This is one declutter TV show we had no shame in binge watching. For real, watching all kinds of people (including celebrities!) hit the organization jackpot with expert home organizers Clea and Joanna is one guilty pleasure we’re not letting go of.

“The Home Edit” will give you a healthy dose of decluttering inspo along with organizational hacks you just couldn’t find on Pinterest. We especially love how satisfying it is to watch these two make organizing any area of a home so aesthetically pleasing. According to these declutter queens, their goal in starting The Home Edit was to “reinvent traditional organizing and merge it with design and interior styling for a specific and signature look that is now known across the globe”. And that, they totally did, girlfriend.

Watch a few episodes or pick up a copy of their book to get bit by the declutter bug.  Oh, and if you find yourself becoming slightly obsessed with color coded organizing – don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Master the Mess

We’re about to let you in on some tea only a true Home Edit fan would know about. Before their Netflix series made it big, Clea and Joanna were the hosts of their very own YouTube channel called “Master the Mess”. So if you can’t get enough of The Home Edit, we totally suggest checking these two out online, too. 

These short little vids touch on everything from organizing your laundry room to making your fridge and pantry look like a literal dream. I mean, is there really anything dreamier than a neatly organized pantry? C’mon babe, we think not. 

Hot Mess House

This one is as addictive to watch as it sounds, sis. “Hot Mess House” follows organization expert Cassandra Aarssen and craftsman Wendell Holland who strive to take homeowners from chaos to clutter-free living.

Cass works with overwhelmed clients who need to find their own personal organizational style. She often guides them through video conference calls and helps them to bring a healthy flow back into their home. Wendall on the other hand is the master of revamping cluttered spaces in any home while making them look totally brand new. Together, these two are *super* entertaining to watch and we seriously can’t get enough of watching them turn hot messes into serene, relaxing spaces.

The Minimalists: Less is Now

Next up on our list of beloved decluttering tv shows isn’t so much an episode-filled option. This Netflix documentary has gained a ton of popularity recently, and the insight it offers on the benefits of having a minimalistic life are interesting to say the least.

“The Minimalists” are comprised of the New York Times–bestselling authors Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus who have helped millions of people to live more meaningfully, with less. These two also have a podcast that boasts a large following and have spoken at Apple, Google, and Harvard.

In this documentary, Joshua and Ryan speak about the minimalism movement they’ve started and how now is the time for less. They also provide an in-depth look at how consumer culture has shaped today’s world and why ditching some of it can change your life for the better. We totally recommend giving this one a watch to shift your perspective on how much you need and to help inspire you to get rid of what you don’t.

Tiny House Nation

We’re not going to lie. This next TV show makes us want to pack our (very few) bags and live the tiny house life!

“Tiny House Nation” follows host John Weisbarth and expert Zack Giffin who help prepare families for the tiny lifestyle and show them how to create mini homes. And let’s just say, it never fails to surprise us how functional these little houses can be! Not to mention, how impressive it is to watch people live mortgage-free in a space they can actually be happy in. 

We recommend giving this declutter TV show a go if you are looking to downsize or simply want a few life-changing advice on how to make a small space work for you. From getting rid of unnecessary items to building a functional home (sans massive price tag), Tiny House Nation has all the mind-blowing organizational tips you’re looking for.

Worn Stories

Another day, another Netflix series we are absolutely *loving*. And while “Worn Stories” isn’t exactly a declutter focused TV show, it can certainly shed light on why we as humans hang on to certain things more than others.

This heartfelt docuseries follows real people who have very real attachments to specific articles of clothing. Some of the stories are without a doubt quirky to say the least, but they provide an enlightening perspective on why we get so attached to seemingly normal everyday items. The emotional connection we have to “things” is important to understand, and we certainly think it can help you decipher what to get rid of and what to keep during your next closet decluttering episode.

Bea Organized

Expert life-hacker Beatrice Copeland has a supremely unique way of helping people declutter their lives. Her strategy? Help people change their cluttered spaces by re-thinking the way they see these items in the first place.

“Bea Organized” is an Amazon Prime declutter show you’ll want to binge watch, pronto. And once you’re done going through all the episode (trust us, these babies go by real quick), you can head over to watch her on her Refinery29 YouTube channel. From how to crack down on your junk drawer to the best closet space saving hacks, Bea is one organizational genius you’ll look to for decluttering advice time and time again.  


Alright, we know what you’re thinking. If you’ve ever caught an episode of “Hoarders” or “Hoarders Burried Alive”, you’re likely wondering how this show in any way helps you get organized. But babe, hear us out! We know some of these episodes can be difficult to watch to say the least. However, they can totally motivate you to clean up your mess (no matter how big or small!).

And if you haven’t seen this declutter TV show yet, here’s the Coles Notes version of what it entails. “Hoarders” follows people who have severe (you guessed it) hoarding issues and that are typically at risk of losing their homes. In the effort to avoid this, a large clean-up crew and a psychologist work with the family involved to get to the root of the hoarding issue. Listening to the discussions that take place can shed some light on where clutter comes from for some people and how to get over what is keeping you from living a more tidy and organized life. For that reason, we had to include this classic in our list of beloved declutter TV shows.

Clear Your Clutter Inside and Out Podcast

And finally, if you’re not in the mood to watch one of the addictive decluttering shows above, we have a podcast that will totally inspire you to get organized. Go ahead and grab your headphones babe, we’ll wait!

“Clear Your Clutter Inside and Out” is one conversation you’ll want to be part of. These babes discuss clutter in all its forms. Meaning, the discussion goes way beyond adding some organizational bins to your closet. From spiritual, energetic, emotional, mental & physical repercussions of clutter – this podcast will provide you with tips for decluttering your life in every aspect. We love how award-winning professional organizer and coach Julie Coraccio thinks outside the box on areas where people might not realize clutter is blocking them.

Ready to put the binge-watching on pause and get to decluttering?

We know, we know. Once you start on one of these decluttering TV shows, it can be hard to stop! But babe, we didn’t bring you this long list of must-watch TV for you to not be productive with it. Get the inspo you need and then get to decluttering! What all these entertaining episodes above have in common is that they can totally show you just how rewarding a clean, organized home can be.

Whether you start with a small area of your house (hey, that junk drawer won’t tidy itself) or decide to perform a full-out revamp of your home, we think getting organized is highly beneficial.

Less stuff, more love.

Carey <3

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