The Best Holiday Gifts for Teachers

The Best Holiday Gifts for Teachers


With the holidays right around the corner (yes, we just said that out loud), we know that you have great gifts at the top of your priority list. The holidays are a prime opportunity to show the educator in your life just how much you and your children appreciate them. And while gifting regular old coffee mugs is cute, we think you can do even better this year for the teacher who makes school just a little more magical. Keep reading to uncover our top rated holiday gifts for teachers (which does not include leaving an apple on their desk).

The simple yet heartwarming appreciation note.

Totally underrated and practically costless, this first idea on our list of teacher gifts is one you can even get your child involved in. Giving handwritten cards is a personal and touching way to show someone just how much appreciation you have for them.

What's more, it can give your child the opportunity to show off the writing skills they learned this year (all thanks to their teacher's wonderful lesson plans, of course). Trust us, babe. Many teachers would love nothing more than to see just how much they've made a difference in the classroom this holiday season.

Scented candles... Because teachers deserve some R&R.

What could be better than coming home from a long school day, lighting a candle, perhaps pouring a glass of wine and unwinding? We think scented candles are totally underrated, and make a *huge* difference when it comes to creating a relaxing environment in anyone's home. Not only is this one of the best gifts in our books, but it's also a relatively inexpensive item that you know won't fit or look wrong.

We love the idea of gifting candles that are soy based and free of harmful fragrances. Instead, you can gift all those luscious smells with candles that are loaded with calming essential oils. This green tea and lemongrass option smells like a dream and is made in the USA. With so much time spent teaching our kids, we think all educators deserve one of these babies to end the day on a relaxing note, always. *Cough, cough* Especially elementary school teachers - we love ya!

The Christmas gift that is *always* appreciated... BBE Bath Bombs.

If there's anyone who deserves to soak in nourishing, luxurious bath - it's the teacher in your life! Let's be honest, after a grueling school year, most teachers need a few BBE bath bombs (and a few glasses of wine as we mentioned above!).

Not only do these guys make the perfect gifts for your child's teacher, they also come already wrapped in a cute eco-friendly paper. Plus, if you have more than one teacher you want to send a gift to, you can totally divide these bath bombs up instead of gifting the entire set! And hey, while you're at it, click add to cart on some of these for yourself, too. Parents, teachers, students - we all work hard and sometimes need the perfect excuse to start that self-care routine!

For the practical babes: The Gift Card.

We know, we know. Giving someone a gift card isn't the most personal present in the world. Is it a practical gift, though? Heck ya, baby.

Gift cards of course give you a myriad of options for the teacher in your life. I mean, just choosing to give someone an Amazon gift card alone means they can practically get *anything* they want, #amirite? However, you can also get a little more fun and creative by choosing a gift card with (dare we say it) meaning.

If Amazon gift cards aren't your thing, consider gifting a card for a local coffee shop or for a cruelty-free company any educator would feel good about supporting. If you can help your kids' teachers get their daily caffeine fix while supporting a small business, why not? And, if you can encourage them to indulge in some self pampering while using products that are good for them and the environment - you're definitely winning at the gift game, sis.

A cute reusable bag... because every babe needs one of these.

Carrying home all of those papers to grade isn't easy. Teachers spend a *ton* of time carrying materials back and forth to the classroom. Therefore having a cute reusable bag they can count on daily is actually a genius gift idea!

You can have a look on Etsy or even opt for BBE's reusable gift bag option this year. Not only does it look better than a plastic bag, it's better for the environment, too. And hey, what teacher wouldn't love that?

Personalized stationary... because, wow.

We're geeking out on this next teacher gift idea. Personalized stationary? Does it get any more exciting than that? What could make jotting down notes on a post-it better than doing so on one that is personalized to you?! Nothing in our books, babe!

There are many companies online you can choose from who offer personalized stationary services that are sure to blow away even the best teacher who has it all. We always hear that the best student needs the best tools, but teachers do, too! To add a personal touch, simply write a fun note on the first page or clipping before gifting!

A planner that will make the year ahead a breeze to get through.

Alright, maybe not a *total* breeze (is that even possible? We're talking to you, high school teacher!). However, you can help your kids' teachers be even more organized by gifting them a cute and stylish planner that they'll actually look forward to opening.

You can opt for a regular calendar planner or buy one that is specifically tailored to the needs of a teacher. These guys make it easier to curate their lesson plans and carve out class time for everything they want your kids to absorb! Let's just say, this one is part of the Christmas gifts that just keep giving, all year long.

A bottle of something special.

We know we've mentioned wine a few times in this list of holiday gifts for teachers. But you don't have to gift a bottle of alcohol if that isn't your jam, either! Like us mere mortals, teachers cook, clean, and probably enjoy a cup of hot cocoa as much as the rest of us do!

Check this out, babe. It doesn't have to be teacher appreciation week for you to put one of these bad boys together. All you need to do is purchase a reusable bottle (we think glass ones look the best aesthetically) and fill it up with anything from candy to tea or hot chocolate packets. You could get even more creative and include other essentials like lip balm or hair ties! Whatever you choose to include in your personally curated bottle, this is one gift you can be sure other parents didn't think of (I mean, unless they read this blog post of course).

An LED Desk Light.

This next teacher approved gift is one they can use at home or in the classroom. LED desk lights are super convenient and many of them even come with charging stations. Any person can benefit from one of these practical lights and you can be sure the teacher you're gifting it to will get some serious use out of it. For those long nights of work, you need the right lighting to give out the right grades, right?

The grand teacher gift finale: Any of BBE's fabulous gift sets.

If you want to go big this year on behalf of your favorite student, BBE has gift sets that will make any teachers' year. From stellar skincare to self tanning essentials, we've curated some swoon-worthy gift options for the holidays. Here is a rundown of some of our go-to options for teachers especially.

The Sun Protection Bundle

Teachers can spend a ton of time in the sun. Between recess and field trips, SPF should be a vital part of their everyday skincare routine. Gift them BBE's non-greasy and non-smelly options. Trust us, they'll thank you later!

That Glow Tho Bundle

Give the gift of glow by opting for BBE's That Glow Tho bundle that includes a luxurious facial oil and a rose quartz roller that will make any teacher love their night time skincare routine.

The Hydrating Face Mask Bundle

Because nothing says "take some time out for yourself" like BBE's hydrating face mask. Add a trusty applicator to the mix, and you've got yourself a present that is a step above all the other Christmas gifts.

Ready to show some love to your classroom hero?

With a list like this, gift giving for the teacher you and your kids love most is easy peasy. Teachers work unbelievably hard for both students and parents alike. What better time than the holiday season to show them just how much they matter and how much sweeter they make every day for your kids? Alright, gift giving class is out of session, babe!

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