How to cancel your beauty by earth subscription - so easy

How to cancel your Beauty by Earth subscription


If you're like us, you hate when you can't easily cancel a subscription you no longer need. Life happens and no one wants to go through a lengthy legal showdown just to get out of a subscription. So we've made canceling Beauty by Earth subscriptions super simple. Cancel your subscription in just 3 simple steps.


How to Cancel Your Essentials Bundle Subscription Video

How to Cancel Your Subscription — Step by Step!

It's so easy to cancel your subscription from the essential bundle or really any subscription on Beauty by Earth. Here's how:

1: Log in to your account and click "Manage Subscriptions."


2: Select the subscription you want to cancel and click "Manage Subscription."


3: On the left-hand side, click the link at the bottom of the sidebar that says, "Cancel Subscription." Next select why you're canceling and click "cancel subscription."


That's it! Now you're canceled.


We're never going to lock you down, babe. Enjoy the heady freedom of canceling at any time. If you have any questions or problems, please reach out to our customer support team and we'll be happy to help!


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